I bet you’ve got a lot on your plate right now?

Maybe it’s finally time to go “all in” on your coaching practice or transition from part-time to full-time?

With so much going on, no wonder you feel overwhelmed at times.

But successful coaches know the key to wowing clients and building a thriving business requires focus, process and flawless execution.

Yes Arnold, get all that, but where do I start?

Well, that’s why I’m excited to share a game changing framework with you today, alongside some high-impact habits that’ll support you every step of the way.

Here’s my critical checklist to prepare you for take off and skyrocket your business!

Let’s do this!

For each of the 10 statements, you might want to rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10. (1 = very dissatisfied, 10 = very satisfied).

1. Clear Vision and Goals

My vision is crystal clear and guides my decisions. My goals are aligned to make it happen.

(Your score: /10)


  • Write down your vision: The ultimate long-term destination or impact you want to make as a coach. Make it bold and inspirational.
  • Formulate SMART goals: These are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. They serve as milestones towards achieving your vision.
  • Break down your goals into actionable steps: For every goal create a corresponding task or action to achieve it.
  • Regularly review and update your goals: Check in weekly, monthly quarterly. As your business evolves, so too should your goals – adjust them accordingly.

2. Identify Ideal Clientele

I know my target market and why I love to serve. All my messaging resonates with them.

(Your score: /10)


  • Identify your ideal client profile: Detail their demographics, psychographics, needs, motivations, and pain points.
  • Research your target market: Where do they hang out? Online, offline – gather as much intel as possible. Talk to them.
  • Regularly revisit and update your ideal client profile: As your business evolves, so might your ideal client. Keep this profile updated.
  • Communicate in the language of your clients: Use their terminology and address their specific needs and pain points in your communication.

3. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

My distinct USP sets me apart from other coaches, and gives clients every reason to choose me.

(Your score: /10)


  • Identify your strengths and unique traits: What do you excel at? What are your unique experiences or zone of genius? How does your coaching style differ from others?
  • Understand your client’s needs and desires: Your USP should address these needs directly.
  • Formulate your USP: Combine your strengths and your understanding of your clients’ needs to create a compelling USP.
  • Communicate your USP consistently: Make sure it’s clear on your website, in your social media, and in all your marketing materials.

4. Develop a Compelling Brand and Online Presence

My brand and authentic online presence boosts my credibility, visibility, and attracts conversations.

(Your score: /10)


  • Develop a consistent brand identity: This includes your brand name, logo, colors, and messaging.
  • Create a professional website: Ensure it clearly communicates your services, USP, and how to get in touch with you.
  • Establish a presence on relevant social media platforms: Share valuable content, engage with your audience, and build your community.
  • Regularly update your online platforms: Keep your content fresh and relevant, and make sure to respond promptly to inquiries or comments.

5. Offerings and Pricing

My services are clear, with pricing that values my worth and keeps my business thriving.

(Your score: /10)


  • Identify your service offerings: Detail what you provide, the process, and the expected outcomes.
  • Set competitive pricing: Research what others in your market are charging and ensure your prices reflect the value you provide.
  • Communicate your offerings and prices clearly: Make this information readily available to potential clients.
  • Regularly review and adjust your offerings and prices: Keep them aligned with market trends and the evolving needs of your clients.

6. Marketing and Client Acquisition Strategy

My marketing strategies work in attracting real conversations with potential clients.

(Your score: /10)


  • Develop a marketing plan: This should include the strategies and tactics you’ll use to attract and convert clients.
  • Utilize content marketing: Regularly create and share valuable content that resonates with your target audience.
  • Leverage partnerships and networking: Partner with complementary businesses and attend networking events to gain exposure.
  • Track and optimize your marketing efforts: Use analytics to understand what’s working and what’s not, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

7. Client On-boarding and Management System

My efficient systems create a smooth client experience, boosting retention and referrals.

(Your score: /10)


  • Create a standardised on-boarding process: This should clearly outline the steps a new client will go through.
  • Implement a client management system: Utilise software to track client information, appointments, and progress.
  • Establish clear communication channels: Make it easy for your clients to contact you, and ensure you respond in a timely manner.
  • Regularly ask for feedback: This can help you improve your services and your client management system.

8. Continual Learning and Professional Development

Continual learning keeps me sharp, ahead and able to provide outstanding service.

(Your score: /10)


  • Engage in regular professional development: Attend workshops, webinars, or coaching conferences to enhance your skills.
  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends: Follow relevant publications and thought leaders in your field.
  • Seek out mentorship or coaching: Get a coach. Find someone who can guide and challenge you to grow.
  • Practice what you preach: Apply personal development and goal-setting practices to your own life.

9. Measurement and Adaptation

I track my progress and adjust accordingly to ensure I’m aligned with my goals.

(Your score: /10)


  • Set key performance indicators: Identify what metrics are most important to your business success.
  • Regularly track and review your KPI’s: Use these insights to gauge the health and progress of your business.
  • Adapt your strategies based on data: Make informed decisions to improve and grow your business.
  • Maintain flexibility: Be willing to change your plans as the market, your clients, and your business evolve.

10. Accountability

I hold myself accountable and take 100% responsibility for every area of my business.

(Your score: /10)


  • Prioritise tasks and set deadlines: Use time management tools to keep track of tasks and deadlines.
  • Hold yourself accountable: Review your progress regularly and hold yourself responsible for meeting your goals.
  • Consider getting an accountability partner or coach: Someone else can provide perspective, encouragement, and motivation.
  • Develop a strong work ethic: Consistency, reliability, and dedication are key traits of successful life coaches.

How did you score?

What did you notice?

Which areas are you stronger and which require more attention?

Make a plan to address these and take action today.

In conclusion

Like anything in life worth achieving, success is built on a series of daily habits and practices.

I recommend you keep this framework handy when you need to prioritise and focus.

I hope the practical actionable steps outlined for each area will support you in addressing any gaps you might encounter.

Remember, your impact as a coach is not just in the results you help your clients achieve, but also in the example you set.

Show up for yourself in the way you show up for your clients.

Success, after all, starts from within.

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