Chasing clients is exhausting.

Your DM’s are dead and your inbox is scarily silent.

We’ve all been there.

Countless coaches struggle with lead generation, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Lead generation isn’t just important – it’s the lifeblood of your coaching practice.

Without a steady stream of potential clients, even the most talented coaches find themselves scrambling for work.

But here’s the kicker: it’s not just about getting more leads. It’s about creating more demand for your services which outstrips supply.

This is where the concept of demand and supply tension comes into play.

It’s a powerful approach that can transform your practice, allowing you to generate high-quality leads on demand.

In today’s post, I’ll show you how to make that happen.

Let’s dive in.

Demand and supply tension

Let’s get one thing straight: being a good coach isn’t good enough.

The market doesn’t care about being good or fairness. It cares about perceived value and scarcity.

Last Friday, my daughter travelled to Glastonbury Festival. 16 hours later, she got in.

“I’ve had a Glastonbury ticket on my screensaver for 3 months manifesting, lol” she texted me last November.


About two-and-a-half million people sought tickets for the event with just 210,000 available.

Festival organisers said the demand for the 2024 festival outstripped supply.

Which meant all tickets sold out in 25 minutes on 16 November, before the lineup was even announced.

How is that possible?

Glastonbury are masters of the waitlist.

They’ve created a frenzy by:

  1. Registering your interest
  2. Limiting ticket availability
  3. Building a reputation for unforgettable experiences.

Now I know what you’re thinking, “Arnold, I’m not Glastonbury!”

And yet your coaching practice can harness this same power.

It’s not about being the best (though that helps). It’s about being perceived as the best choice.

The Power of lead generation

Effective lead generation is like oxygen for your practice. It allows you to:

  1. Choose and audition your clients,
  2. Negotiate from a position of strength
  3. Plan for the future with real confidence
  4. Invest in continuous growth and innovation

When you have more leads than you can handle, magic happens.

You can:

  • raise your prices
  • be selective who you work with
  • hire support to help you scale.

But here’s where most coaches take a wrong turn.

They focus on promoting their services instead of promoting the chance to work with them.

It’s time to flip the script.

Key strategies for creating demand

1. Waiting Lists / Registration of Interest

Stop trying to sell your services directly.

Instead, sell the opportunity to join your waiting list.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Create a landing page explaining the exclusivity of your offer
  • Use language that emphasises: “Limited availablity”
  • Ask for basic information: name, email, and a brief description of their needs
  • Follow up promptly with next steps or additional information

For example, if you’re a business coach, your waiting list could be for an “Exclusive 6-Week Business Transformation Program”.

Even if you’re not at 100% capacity, this creates the perception of high demand.

2. Assessments / Online Scorecards

People love to learn about themselves. Use this to your advantage by creating an assessment or scorecard related to your services.

To create an effective assessment:

  • Choose a topic directly related to the problems you support others with
  • Create 10-15 multiple-choice questions
  • Develop a scoring system that provides valuable insights
  • Offer a free report based on their results
  • Include a call-to-action for a consultation to discuss their results

For instance, At the Evolving Academy we’re putting together an “Evolving Coach Readiness Score”.

This not only generates leads but also pre-qualifies potential clients.

3. Leveraging Transparency

Be open about your capacity limits and the demand for your services. This creates urgency and social proof.

Try these techniques:

  • Show how many spots are left for your next intake
  • Share testimonials from clients who waited to work with you
  • Use language like “We’re currently booking 2 months in advance”

Implementing your lead generation system

1. Creating an Effective Landing Page

Your landing page is your digital storefront. Make it count.

Key elements to include:

  • A compelling headline that speaks to your target client’s pain points
  • Clear description of your offer (waiting list, assessment, etc.
  • Social proof (testimonials, client logos, case studies)
  • A strong call-to-action
  • Minimal distractions (no navigation menu, limited links)

Pro tip: Use tools like ScoreApp or Carrd to build your landing page. Just use a template to start and let the tools do the heavy lifting.

2. Developing Your Assessment/Quiz

Your assessment should provide genuine value while also qualifying leads.

Types of questions to ask:

  • Current challenges
  • Previous experiences
  • Goals and aspirations
  • Readiness and timeline

Use logic to personalise results.

For example, if someone indicates their readiness to take action, prioritise a connection or discovery call.

3. Following Up With Leads

The fortune is in the follow-up. Don’t let your hard-earned leads go cold.

Personalising your outreach is key to converting interest into clients.

Here’s why it works:

1. It shows you’ve listened

  • Send an immediate thank you email with next steps, referencing specific points from their assessment.

2. It provides immediate value

  • Schedule a phone call or video chat to discuss their results. This gives prospects actionable insights right away, positioning you as the ‘go-to’.

3. It establishes relevance

  • Provide additional resources related to their specific challenges. This proves you understand their unique situation and have a methodology tailored to their needs.

4. It increases engagement

  • Use their assessment responses to tailor your proposal. When you speak directly to a prospect’s pain points, they’re more likely to see the value in your services.

By personalising your follow-up, you become a trusted advisor.

Someone who understands their specific needs, dramatically increasing your chances of converting prospects into loyal clients.


Generating high-quality leads on demand isn’t rocket science, but it does require a shift in mindset.

Consider this:

Stop selling your services and start selling the opportunity to work with you.

Create scarcity, leverage assessments, and be transparent about demand.

Give the strategies outlined here a go. But remember, knowledge without action is pointless.

Action step

Here’s your action step:

  1. Choose one strategy from this article
  2. Implement it in your practice this week
  3. Track your results for the next 30 days

Don’t wait for the perfect moment.

The best time to revolutionise your lead generation was yesterday.

The second-best time is now.

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