7 Stages to Masterful Coach

7 Stages to Masterful Coach

Have you ever seen or experienced the exquisite beauty of the Palace of Versailles gardens? I remember going there with my parents and being mesmerised by its sheer vision and scale. A testament to human ingenuity and perseverance, it took 40 years, thousands of...
10 habits to skyrocket your business

10 habits to skyrocket your business

I bet you’ve got a lot on your plate right now? Maybe it’s finally time to go “all in” on your coaching practice or transition from part-time to full-time? With so much going on, no wonder you feel overwhelmed at times. But successful coaches know...
Why I’m stretching

Why I’m stretching

Standing on one leg? Having lifted weights for half my life I’ve been feeling a little tight and inflexible recently. Perhaps it’s the never ending Winter, the realisation I’m not in my twenties or it’s getting harder to tie my shoes standing...

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